INTRO | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | COVER FEATURES
RL Rocket Launcher | RS Root Salad feature | (SR) published in Southern Rag | * main cover feature | availability
Habadekuk 378 RS
Hadad, Astrid 155 RS; 257
Hadden, Rothfield & Carr 32
Hair, Rachel & Ron Jappy 424 RS
Haiti 325 RS
Haji Mike 109 RS
Hakim 244 RS
Hall, Bob 117
Hall, Chris 395
Hall, Gordon 34
Hall, Reg 58; 307/308; 396
Hall, Terry & Mushtaq 249
Hall, Tony 325
Halley, David 134/135
Halpin, Kieran 43
Halsway Manor 385
Hamdan, Yasmine 364
Hammer, Rev 131
Hammered Dulcimers 7 (SR)
Hammond, John 62*; 109 RS
Hampton, Mary 306 RS; 341/2
Hancock, Butch & Jimmie Dale Gilmore 72
Hancock, Keith 67; 129 RS
Hanggai 306 RS
Hank Dogs, The 182/3
Hanly, Mick 16 (SR); 121; 210 RS
Hannan, Robbie 95
Hannigan, Stéafán 139/140
Harballabh Festival 311
Harbourfront Centre (Toronto) 174 RS
Hard Cash 82
Hardanger Fiddle (Norway) 139/140
Harding, John Wesley 206/7 RS
Harding, Mike 381
Hardy, Bella 261 RS; 294*; 336 RL; 384
Harmony Ridge Creek Dippers 193 RS
Haroulis, Giannis 410/411RS
Harp And A Monkey 372 RS
Harpe, Errin 383 RS
Harper, Ben 141
Harpo, Slim 93
Harris, Corey 156
Harris, Emmylou 111*; 158/159; 209
Harris, Jack 405 RS
Harris, Roy 197; 98
Hart, Alvin Youngblood 189
Hart, Mickey 95
Hart, Nick 418 RS
Harte, Frank 107 RS; 220 RS
Harvey, P.J. 313 RS
Hassan, Mariem 273
Haugaard, Harald 266/7; 314/5
Hawaiian Guitar 76
Hawaiian Guitar: Recording History 178
Hawk & A Hacksaw, A 287
Hawkins, Ted 45*
Hay, Toby 413 RS
Hayes, Martin 149RS; 418
Hayes, Martin & Cahill, Dennis 197
Hayes, Sarah 390 RS
Haza, Ofra 48
Hazmat Modine 283/284 RS
Headway Transducers 173 RS
Heap, Steve 115/116
Hedningarna 119
Heebøll, Kristine 265 RS
Heg & The Wolf Chorus 390 RS
Hekety 242/243
Hellman, Johannes 425 RS
Henderson, Dorris 119
Henderson, Hamish 63; 396
Henderson, Jarlath & Ross Ainslie 312 RS
Henok, Zjansiyoum 285 RS
Henoko 300 RS
Henry, Phillip & Hannah Martin 350 RS; 391/392
Henrys, The 159/58 RS
Henske, Judy 402
Henwood, Megan & Joe 309 RS
Herald, John 210
Heritage Blues Orchestra 353/354
Herold, Sylvia 166 RS
Heron 266/267 RS
Heron, Mike 51
Heron, Mike & Robin Williamson 172
Herring, Caroline 352 RL
Hester, Carolyn 101 RS; 124
Hewerdine, Boo 154 RS
Heynderickx, Haley 421RS
Heywood, Heather 121 RS
Hiatt, John 213
Hickory Signals 424 RS
High Kings, The 376 RS
Hijas Del Sol (aka Sibeba) 155
Hield, Fay 353/354
Hilal, Suraya 102
Hillage, Steve 216RS
Hillfolk Noir 365 RS
Hillman, Chris 180
Hilmarfestivalen 406 RS;
Himmerland 357 RS
Hinojosa, Tish 137*; 288 RS
Hirayasu, Takashi 185 RS
Hirvonen, Päivi 418 RS
Hix, The 170/171
Hladowski, Stephanie 311
Hladowski, Stephanie & C Joynes 357
Hobby Horses 407*
Hobgoblin Music 403/4 RS
Hodgkinson, Will 314/5
Holland, Jolie & Samantha Parton 413
Holland, Maggie 48, 251 RS
Holmes Brothers 119; 220 RS
Homespun Tapes 103/104
Honduras 202
Ho’opi’i, Richard 154 RS
Horace X 264 RS
Horiuchi, Kanako & Misako Oshiro 343/344 RS
Horoso, Harumi 423
Horseflies, The 77
Horses Brawl 297 RS
Hot Club Of Cowtown, The 192 RS; 334 RS
Hotel Palindrone 309
Hottest Ceilidh In Town: Photos 45
Hougassian, Harry 218/219
House And Land 413 RS
House Band, The 47; 106 RS
House Concerts 217RS
Hovanissian, Vardan & Emre Gültekin 397 RS
Hoven Droven 177 RS
Howlin’ Wilf 96
Huata, Toni 258
Hugill, Stan 51
Hugues, Modeste 233 RS
Hull, Alan 154
Human Rights Songs 414
Hundsbuam Miserablige 161
Hungary 340
Hunt, Anne 64
Hunter, James 217RS
Hunter, Willie 130
Huracan Del Fuego 245 RS
Hurdy Gurdy 18 (SR)
Hurley, Michael 65; 186
Hussain, Taufiq 221
Hussain, Zakir 44; 393
Hutchings, Ashley 13 (SR)*; 69*; 141; 246 RS; 314/5 RL
Hutton, Joe, Willie Taylor & Will Atkinson 66
Huun Huur Tu 199/200
Hydra (Greece) 160 RS
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