Finished copies of the following CDs were received in the fRoots office in March 2019. Please note that we do not list or review from advance CDRs or music outside fRoots’ remit (see FAQ pages). Inclusion in these listings does not automatically mean that a printed review will follow, though it is more likely.
See previous period’s listings
Mark Abis | Live At Broadhempston | (Mark Abis) |
AKA Trio | Joy | (Bendigedig) |
Akleja | Wasser Und Erde | (Akleja) |
Altin Gun | Gece | (Glitterbeat) |
Rachelle Andrioli & Rocco Nigro | Maletiempu | (Fonosfere) |
Banter | Dare | (Mrs Casey) |
Waed Bouhassoun | Safar: Les Ames Retrouvees | (Buda) |
Brickwork Lizards | Live At St Giles EP | (Vyvyfyr) |
Ian Bruce | The Naked Truth: Volume 1 Remastered | (Ruglen) |
Jo Carley & The Old Dry Skulls | Shake Them Rattlin’ Bones | (Old Higue) |
Adam Carroll | I Walked In Them Shoes | (Adam Carroll) |
Celtic Serenity | Life Songs | (Celtic Collections) |
Celtic Woman | Ancient Land | (Celtic Collections) |
Mike Cooper | Five Albums + Bonus Tracks | (BGO) |
Ike Cosse | Don’t Give Up On Love | (Ike Cosse) |
Damast Duo | Safar | (Damast Duo) |
Dobranotch | Mercedes Kolo | (CPL) |
The Dovetail Trio | Bold Champions | (GR!) |
Dremmwel | Hirbad | (Dremmwel) |
Saulo Duarte | Avante Delirio | (Sterns) |
Steve Earle & The Dukes | GUY | (New West) |
Faustus | Cotton Lords | (Westpark) |
Steve Garrett | Discover And Endure | (Alt-Mor) |
Kora Feder | In Sevens | (Kora Feder) |
Flook | Ancora | (Flatfish) |
Thea Gilmore | Small World Turning | (Shameless) |
Gnoss | Drawn From Deep Water | (Blackfly) |
Ida & Louise | Shtoltse Leider | (Kakafon) |
Jarveventaus | Dluzewski | Jorden Svart | (Nordic Notes) |
C. Joynes & The Furlong Bray | The Borametz Tree | (Thread) |
Kanazoe Orkestra | Tolonson | (Buda) |
K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade | Wahala Wahala | (Heavenly Sweetness) |
Kyriakos Kalaitzidis | Exile | (Buda) |
Mary Ann Kennedy | Glaschu | (ARC) |
Keston Cobblers Club | Siren | (Tricolour) |
Angelique Kidjo | Celia | (Verve) |
Daria Kulesh | Earthly Delights | (Daria Kulesh) |
The Little Unsaid | Atomise | (Reveal) |
Dougie Mackenzie | Along The Way | (Greentrax) |
Juan Martin | The Juan Martin Collection | (FlamencOvision) |
Irene Mawela | The Best Of The SABC Years | (Umsakazo) |
Rory McLeod | Gusto! | (Talkative) |
Wu Mengmeng | The Art Of The Chinese Guzheng | (ARC) |
Becky Mills | Tall Tales And Home Truths | (Talking Elephant) |
Molsky’s Mountain Drifters | Closing The Gap | (Tree Frog) |
Ninebarrow | Ninebarrow’s Dorset | (Ninebarrow) |
Pauanne | Pauanne | (Nordic Notes) |
Pixvae | Cali | (Buda) |
Dom Prag | Young Man On A Ferry | (Dom Prag) |
Pulo NDJ | Desert To Douala | (Wonderwheel) |
Tori Reed | Same Page, Different Book | (Tori Reed) |
Jenna Reid | Working Hands | (Lofoten) |
Roseanne Reid | Trails | (Last Man) |
Lizabett Russo | Something-In-Movement | (Lizabett Russo) |
Sasiedzi | W Wieszeni Dolar | (Folk 24) |
Screaming Orphans | Life In A Carnival | (Good Deeds) |
Andy Statman | Monroe Bus | (Shefa) |
La Suite | Inventions Pour Deux Violoneux | (La Suite) |
Symbio | Rising | (Gammalthea) |
Carrie Tree | The Canoe | (Carrie Tree) |
Trio In Uno | Ipe | (Trio In Uno) |
Molly Tuttle | When You’re Ready | (Compass) |
William Tyler | Goes West | (Merge) |
Various | Farewell He: Another Parcel Of Old Crams | (Epona) |
Various | Nigeria 70: No Wahala | (Strut) |
Dan Walsh | Trio | (Rooksmere) |
Trevor Watts | Life & Music | (Hi4Head) |
Hedy West | Untitled | (Fledg’ling) |
Claire White With Robbie Leask | Lasses Trust In Providence | (Quarff Lodge) |
Yakumbe | Rinkebysvangen | (Libelula) |