When the download is completed, double-click that Zip file to unpack it. Inside the resulting folder you’ll find sixteen mp3 files which you can play on your computer or load onto your iPod or other mp3 player.
You can use use your computer’s disc-burning software like iTunes or Windows Media Player to burn them to a standard audio CDR. You’ll also find PDF artwork in the unzipped folder so that you can print a booklet for a slimline jewel case, and label artwork to use where your printer has the facility to print onto the face of CDs.
Note: some Windows PC systems produce apparently duplicated files in the unzipping process. Any with their file names commencing ._ can be safely ignored or deleted by Windows users. And unlike Macs, some PCs require you to download an extra app or bit of software like Winzip to do the unzipping.
1. Joan Shelley If The Storms Never Come
2. Timbila & Chartwell Dutiro Chikende
3. Justin Adams Wassoulou
4. Quercus Once I Loved You Dear (The Irish Girl)
5. Dimitris Mystakidis To Kalogeraki
6. Ushers Island Molly Ban
7. Kate & Raphaël Sólheimajökull
8. Anavantou! Brincantes Da Mussuca
9. Snuffbox Chazza’s Circus
10. House And Land False True Lover
11. Calan Synnwyr Solomon
12. Marinah Saca la Luz
13. Pete Coe Farewell To The Brine
14. Damien McGeehan The Tinsmith
15. Toko Telo Jiny Karo Karo
16. Bertolino/ Le Gac Glizh