Finished copies of the following CDs were received in the fRoots office during May 2017. Please note that we do not list or review from advance CDRs or music outside fRoots’ remit (see FAQ pages). Inclusion in these listings does not automatically mean that a printed review will follow, though it is more likely.

Last month’s listing

3 Daft Monkeys Year Of The Clown (3 Daft Monkeys)
Justin Adams Ribbons (Wayward/DJA)
Addictive TV Orchestra Of Samples (K7!)
Aksak Project Trebisonda (AM Records)
Sam Amidon The Following Mountain (Nonesuch)
Anavantu! Brincantes (Cypres)
Isobel Anderson Chalk/Flint (Isobel Anderson)
Atlas Affinity (Ropeadope)
Mulatu Atsatke Mulatu Of Ethiopia (Strut)
Robbie Bankes Foothills (Robbie Bankes)
Bellevue Rendevous While Rome Burns (Journeyman)
Bertolini/ Le Gac Lumes (Sarband)
Deben Bhattacharya Musical Explorers: Colours Of Raga (ARC Music)
Donald Black From My Heart (Donald Black)
Black Market Tune Drifters & Vagabonds (Galileo)
Bogha Bogha (Coop Breizh)
Anne Briggs The Time Has Come (Earth Records)
The Brothers Briggs The Brothers Briggs (All Made Up)
The Bucking Mules Smoke Behind The Clouds (Free Dirt)
Mary Beth Carty Les Biens-Nommés (Mary Beth Carty)
Maher Cissoko Korafo (Ajabu!)
Shirley Collins & The Albion Country Band No Roses (Talking Elephant)
Corn Potato String Band Good Job Everybody (Agilest Music)
Dálava The Book Of Transfigurations (Songlines)
Diabo A Sete Figura De Gente (Sons Vadios)
Ani DiFranco Binary (Righteous Babe/Aveline)
Divanhana Live In Mostar (ARC Music)
Dosti Music Project Travelers (Found Sound Nation)
Ivan Drever & Friends Live In Orkney (Orcadian Recordings)
Merlyn Driver This Is The Corner Of A Larger Field (Mirliton Records)
Durrant Y Ledesma Durrant Y Ledesma (The Burning Deck)
Elemotho Beautiful World (ARC Music)
Elephant Sessions All We Have Is Now (Elephant Sessions)
James Elkington Wintres Woma (Paradise Of Bachelors)
EnVerea De Jarana (EnVerea)
Feast Of Fiddles Sleight Of Elbow (Feast Of Fiddles)
Firo Arv Og Slarv (Etnisk Musikklubb)
Yiorgos Floudas & Vassilis Triantis Arta (JSP)
Jamie Francis The Patient Neighbour (TCR Music)
Alain Genty & Joanne McIver Eternal Tides (Buda Musique)
Sam Gleaves & Tyler Hughes Sam Gleaves & Tyler Hughes (Community Music)
Haley’s Comet Done Gone (Just For The Records)
Harbottle & Jonas Anna Is A Dancer (Harbottle & Jonas)
Judy Henske The Elektra Albums (Ace)
David Hershaw & Sandie Forbes Here Comes Tomorrow (David Hershaw & Sandie Forbes)
Hickory Signals Noise Of The Waters (Hickory Signals)
Hunter Muskett Unafraid & Sober (Hunter Muskett)
Ashley Hutchings/Various Artists Street Cries (Talking Elephant)
I Draw Slow Turn Your Face To The Sun (Compass Records)
Isembard’s Wheel Common Ground (Isembard’s Wheel)
Leo James Some Shade Of Blue (Leo James)
Jinder Kingsize Blackfoot (Din Of Ecstasy)
Jupiter & Okwess Kin Sonic (Glitterbeat)
Kadia The Outlandish Collection (Kadia)
Kata Tívils Døtur (Nordic Notes)
Kate & Raphaël Les Objets Trouvés (Kate & Raphaël)
Nick Keir 1953-2013 (Greentrax)
Knoblauch Klezmer Band Knoblauch Scharf (Knoblauch Klezmer Band)
Kondi Band Salone (Strut)
Kronos Quartet with Sam Amidon, Olivia Chaney, Rhiannon Giddens & Natalie Merchant Folk Songs (Nonesuch)
Las Las (Sradag Music)
James Lindsay Strand (OIR Recordings)
John A. Lomax, Jr. Folk (SfL Discs)
Darren Lynch The Spinning Wheel (Darren Lynch)
Bill MacKay Esker (Drag City)
Taj Mahal & Keb Mo Tajmo (Concord Records)
Marina Afrolaito (Kasba)
Meklit When The People Move, The Music Moves Too (Six Degrees)
Sinéad Murphy No Better Time (Sinéad Murphy)
Mynsterland Mynsterland (Go’ Danish)
Dimitris Mystakidis Amerika (Fishbowl)
Occidental Gypsy 44070 (Ocidental Gypsy)
Offa Rex The Queen Of Hearts (Nonesuch)
Alison O’Donnell Climb Sheer The Fields Of Peace (Mega Dodo)
Fiachra O’Regan, Lawrence O’Hearn, Malo Carvou Out Of Thin Line (Lawrence O’Hearn)
Bobby Osborne Original (Compass)
Jon Palmer Acoustic Band The Silences In Between (Jon Palmer Acoustic Band)
Andrea Pancur Alpen Klezmer/Zum Meer (Galileo)
Peach/Skeoch Peach/Skeoch  (Braw Sailin’ Records)
Pee Wee Crayton The Pee Wee Crayton Collection 1947-62 (Acrobat Music)
Pop Makossa The Invasive Dance Beat Of Cameroon 1976 – 1984 (Analog Africa)
Nikos Protopapas Tempo: Rebetiko Guitars Project (General Music)
Red Herring Here To Distract You (Red Herring)
Alan Reid & Rachel Conlan A Quare Yield (Alan Reid & Rachel Conlan)
Rocqawali Sufi Spirit (Riverboat Records)
Kari Røynlid & Mari Ormberg Den Store Stuten (Etnisk Musikklub)
Rubén González Introducing… (World Circuit)
Griselda Sanderson & Ricardo De Noronha Veer (Waulk Records)
Claudia Schwab Attic Mornings (Claudia Schwab)
Sarah Jane Scouten When The Bloom Falls From The Rose (Light Organ Records)
Rev. Seckou In Times Like These (Zent Records)
The Secret Sisters You Don’t Own Me Anymore (New West)
Skippinish The Seventh Wave (Skippinish Records)
Snuff Box Playing For Free (Skye Records)
Songhoy Blues La Résistance (Transgressive Records)
Stern John Dangerous Dogs (Off Records)
Lindsay Straw The Fairest Flower Of Womankind (Lindsay Straw)
Strograss Brother Earth (Appel Rekords)
Carmen Souza Creology (Galileo)
Miranda Sykes Borrowed Places (Hands On Music)
Tammorra Anthology 1995 – 2017 (Buda Musique)
Tanzania Albinism Collective White African Power (Six Degrees Records
This Is The Kit Moonshine Free (Rough Trade)
Threaded Fair Winds & Following Seas (Threaded)
Tibble Transsibiriska Duj (Marushka Records)
Trio Tekke & Dave De Rose Zivo (Trio Tekke)
Tuuletar UHO (Bafe’s Factory)
Nikos Tsiachris Alcance (Galileo)
Vair A Place In Time (Vair)
Valentina & Voces Del Sur Daughter Of Exile (Voces Del Sur)
Various Caribbean In America 1915 – 1962 (Frémeaux & Associés)
Various Oté Maloya (Strut)
Various Romane: Gypsy Guitar Masters Vol. 11 (Fremeaux)
Various The Rough Guide To Jug Band Blues Reborn & Remastered (World Music Network)
Various Swamp Pop By The Bayou: Lets Get Together Tonight (Ace)
Väsen Brewed (North Side)
Watermelon Slim Golden Boy (Dixie Frog)
Steve Wickham Beekeeper (Man In The Moon Records)
Wimme & Rinne Human (Rockadillo Records)
Ya Tosiba Love Party (Asphalt Tango)